Getting Around

Image of a Pitt Shuttle on Fifth Avenue

Whatever your preferred method of transportation, we’ve got you covered with all of the information you need to get around while we transform Bigelow Boulevard and the William Pitt Union lawn.

William Pitt Union

During Phase II of the project, access the William Pitt Union through the Forbes Avenue and Quad entrances. During the transformations of the grounds, pedestrian traffic will be rerouted around the Fifth Avenue entrance. Walkways and entrances will be clearly marked with signage


The seven accessible parking spaces on Bigelow Boulevard will be relocated during the project. Six spaces will be moved to Fifth Avenue in front of Soldiers and Sailors and a seventh space will be moved to Schenley Drive in front of Hillman Library.

The Forbes Avenue accessible entrance and Fifth Avenue accessible entrance to the William Pitt Union both remain open. An accessible emergency exit is located in the Union’s Lower Lounge.


BikePGH provides interactive maps with recommended routes, as well as other resources such as safety tips and Biking 101 guides.


Bigelow Blvd. will be closed to vehicular traffic with street detours noted throughout construction to navigate around this area.


Soldiers and Sailors garage remains open and accessible. Please note there may be temporary partial area closures in the area


The biggest change for pedestrians will be the closure of the mid-block crosswalk between the Cathedral of Learning and the William Pitt Union. With an estimated 9,000 people using this crosswalk area daily, we are taking important steps to help you navigate around this area with safety. During the closure, walkers will cross at Fifth and Forbes Avenues.

Flaggers will help to guide walkers and manage foot traffic when construction vehicles are entering and exiting the area to ensure a safe, smooth experience in getting to your next destination.

Port Authority Buses

While there are no planned bus stop closures, several buses will be detoured to turn on Bellefield Avenue or Dithridge Street throughout the project. Riders are encouraged to visit the Port Authority website for the latest updates and trip planning tools.  

University of Pittsburgh Shuttles

Shuttle stops have been relocated to Forbes Avenue in front of Schenley Plaza - Stops are clearly marked with signage..

Need additional information or routing guidance? Contact us!